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Emotions Chart

The Emotions Chart features photographs and text describing 16 different emotions. It is a visual resource to support activities with children on exploring, naming and expressing feelings. The chart includes a resource guide on the back. Suitable for ages: 4+

Key learning this resource may support:

Social and emotional development including creating an awareness of how different feelings affect us and developing strategies to support individuals.

Self-awareness and identity including an understanding of oneself and the point of view of others.

Language, literacy and communication development including an ability to name and validate our feelings.

Suggested starting points for engagement:

  • The practitioner could consider using this chart to support a small group discussion or practical activity about feelings. For example, after reading a story chosen by the children, consider the following with the child/children:
    • Does the story show any feelings we might see on our chart?
    • How a particular character might feel at a certain point in time.
    • How might a particular character deal with a situation or event?
    • Would the children do anything differently?
    • Encourage children to share their own experiences and follow their lead.
  • The practitioner could also consider real scenarios that children can connect with. For example, something that might be particularly relevant to a particular child/group.
  • Encourage children to refer back to the chart where appropriate or meaningful. For example, identifying a face on the chart that might represent their version of a particular emotion-provide open ended art materials where children might create a face representing their view if it is not captured on the chart.
  • The Emotions Chart can be a starting point to begin to make an emotions chart featuring the children themselves (with their consent).
  • Refer children to the chart throughout the pre-school session as emotions do not only arise during a group activity, such as circle time.